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Semi-Supervised Learning with TCNs for ECG Classification
Introduction Literature Review Problem Analysis Implementation and Evaluation Discussions and Findings


The aim of this project is to create a classifier that can detect if a patient has one of several types of heart condition known as arrhythmia given a time series of an electrocardiogram (ECG) heartbeat. In particular, the focus is to use self-supervised and transfer learning to see if we can improve accuracy for two different network architectures.


Arrhythmia is a type of heart condition concerning the rate or rhyme of the heart [1]. The most common method of detection is through analysis of electrocardiograms (Figure 1). This is a test that records the electrical signals of each heartbeat [2] to produce a graph of waves and intervals such as that depicted in Figure 1. The most prominent waves of a healthy ECG are:

Traditionally, arrhythmia was diagnosed by a person who analyses an ECG for identifiable traits such as irregularly shaped waves. However, this is often time consuming, prone to error and requires specialist training [3]. Therefore, the development of reliable classification models is of great benefit to medical staff and the well being of patients by improving the accuracy speed of diagnosis.

Figure 1: ECG of a normal heartbeat [6]


  1. Explore the problem background, review literature and previous work on self-supervised learning, ECG classification and transfer learning
  2. Select clustering algorithms and network architecture
  3. Open and evaluate the selected dataset
  4. Perform data augmentation such as adding Gaussian noise to less frequent samples
  5. Applying clustering, determine the best result and save the cluster assignments as labels
  6. Implement a neural network and train to detect hidden features within the ECGs using the new labels
  7. Transfer the weights of the trained network to a new model and train for classification using the arrhythmia labels
  8. Optimize the chosen model
  9. Compare the model to a classifier with the same architecture without transferred weights
  10. Present results and evaluate findings
  11. Suggest future recommendations

Literature Review

Network Architectures

Convolution Neural Networks (CNN)

CNNs are deep neural networks consisting of convolutional, pooling and fully-connected layers. Initially low-level features are extracted, which are then used to form higher level features. Although they are most frequently used for image recognition, research such as that by J. Li et al. has shown that they can be successfully applied to classifying arrhythmia [8]. ECGs contain a one-dimensional signal, while CNNs are better suited to data with multiple dimensions. Therefore, they created a two-dimensional vector out of the rhythm and morphology of the heartbeats to feed into the model. This achieved a high accuracy of 99.1% for five of eight categories. However, it should be noted that the extensive pre-processing and experimentation detailed in this study is out of scope for this project.

Temporal convolutional networks (TCN)

TCNs are derived from CNNs and are a new breakthrough proposed in 2016 to process time-series information. The combination between casual convolutions, which prevent information leakage from the future to present, and diluted convolutions been shown to outperform recurrent nets such as LSTM in a vast range of tasks [17].

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

LSTM is an extension of recurrent neural networks (RNN) with the addition of special units composed of a memory cell and input, output and forget gates. This architecture is capable of long-term pattern recognition unlike RNN. However, it is slower to train and requires more computational resources. In research by Singh et al. [7], three types of RNN were implemented with the goal of producing an accurate model for classifying arrhythmia from ECG time series. They explain that as CNN limits beats to a fixed length, the performance of RNN is more effective. The study’s results show that using LSTM rather than RNN with the same parameters increased accuracy from 85.4% to 88.1%.


Attention is a technique that increases focus on important data while decreasing focus on less important data. This allows the network to devote more computing power to a small amount of important data. Though frequently associated with NLP and transformers, several studies have shown promising results using self-attention for time-series [18].

Semi-Supervised Learning

In a study by Sarkar et al., a semi-supervised approach is adapted for ECG emotion recognition [19]. This involved generating labels from augmented samples to train a CNN. The weights of the model were then transferred to a new model with the same architecture and all layers frozen except the output. Then the model was trained on labelled ECG data for emotion recognition achieving state of the art results in four categories. Other benefits of this approach include learning generalized features which can be used for a wide range of tasks, not just emotion recognition. Larger datasets may also be used as self-supervised learning doesn’t need annotated labels which are costly to produce.

Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

Unsupervised learning is a machine learning approach in which a model must determine patterns to classify unlabeled data. For this project, we intend to use clustering to create labels representing hidden features of ECG data. Three different types of clustering algorithms will be investigated: partitional, hierarchical and density-based.


K-Means is an example of partitional clustering. It is a vector quantization algorithm that categories a set of n data samples into k clusters based purely on features found within the data. In the field of medicine, the manual labeling of large amounts of data is neither feasible nor cost effective as only certified medical professionals would be qualified to do so. Therefore, unsupervised learning techniques such as k-means have proven especially useful.

Agglomerative Clustering

Unlike k-means, agglomerative is a hierarchical clustering algorithm. The goal is to create an expanding tree of clusters, and such does not require a predefined number. Hierarchical algorithms can be one of two types: agglomerative or divisive. The main difference is their approach in creating the trees. Agglomerative algorithms start with one ‘cluster’ for each sample and progressively groups them based on similarities in the samples, whereas divisive starts from the top of the tree, splitting one cluster containing all samples.


DBSCAN is a density-based clustering algorithm that groups points together based on distance and number of neighbors whilst marking points in low density regions as outliers. It is used to find associations and structures which are then used to find patterns and predict trends. DBSCAN can find randomly shaped clusters surrounded by other clusters.

Problem Analysis

Proposed Approach

For this project, we proposed to use unsupervised learning through clustering to assign new labels to all samples in a dataset of ECGs. CNN and bidirectional LSTM models will be trained to classify samples based upon these new labels. The best models will be saved, and the weights transferred to a new classifier with the same architecture as shown in Figure 2. All layers except the final layer are frozen and the new model trained to classify the original labels.

Figure 2: The proposed network architecture

Proposed Network Architecture

The CNN is to be initially constructed with a 1D convolutional layer, max pooling, flatten layer and two fully connected layers. ReLU activation functions are applied between layers, followed by sigmoid for the output. The structure of the LSTM will be similar, though the conv and pool layers replaced by a bidirectional LSTM with 64 units. For both models, two additional variations of each architecture are to be tested. This includes either adding a TCN layer at the beginning, or a self-attention after the CNN or LSTM block.


Measuring Clustering Performance

In the absence of a ground truth, it is difficult to measure how well each algorithm has performed. According to a study by Palacio-Niño et al. [16], the two types of validation metrics that are commonly combined are cohesion and separation. Often for partitional clustering algorithms such as k-means, a measure such as the silhouette coefficient is used, while for hierarchical algorithms the cophenetic coefficient is preferred. However, cohesion and separation measures often do not perform as well for density-based clustering like DBSCAN.

Class Imbalance

The label distribution of the dataset is largely unbalanced, with 83% of samples belonging to the non-ectopic class. Without either up-sampling or down-sampling, this can cause the model to converge to always predict the same class resulting in a misleadingly high accuracy as proven in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Left is the label distribution of all the data; right is a confusion matrix in which the same class if always being predicted produced when training an LSTM on all original labels

Transfer Learning

A significant part of the project involved comparing multiple architectures and configuring parameters to achieve the best classification performance. However, the team was limited in how much they could modify the arrhythmia classifier’s architecture as it needed to remain compatible with the pre-trained cluster model to apply transfer learning. While it was necessary to augment the data due to the significant imbalance, the model’s ability to detect patterns for certain arrhythmia conditions may have been reduced due to augmented samples not reflecting real world data.

Technical Issues


Implementation was done through two shared notebooks on Google Colab. However, there were several technical factors, which, when combined with time constraints, affected the outcome of the investigation. For example, long training times when adding LSTM layers, along with the large range of optimisable parameters, meant that we did not explore the LSTM architecture in as much depth as CNN and that compromises needed to be made to select reasonable parameters in the time available. In addition, runtime constraints sometimes caused the notebooks to disconnect upon training for a long time over many epochs.

Remote Working

Finally, due to the pandemic, the team faced the challenge of completing the project entirely remotely. This was tackled by holding online meetings twice a week, encouraging strong communication and progress checking between the team.

Implementation and Evaluation


For the project we used the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Dataset [4]. This is a popular, publicly available dataset produced in 1980 for the purpose of detecting types of arrhythmia. It was selected as it contains 109446 labelled samples which is sufficient to train a supervised deep neural network. Although each sample is assigned one of five classes, these are originally derived from 16 types of arrhythmia as outlined in Table 1.

Label Class Name Explaination Samples
0/N Non-ectotic beats ECGs that have been determined to have a normal heartbeat. The patient does not have arrhythmia. 90589
1/S Supraventricular ectopic beats ECGs show traits of either atrial premature beats, aberrated premature beats, nodal junction premature beats, or supraventricular premature beats [5]. 2779
2/V Ventricular ectopic beats ECGs were determined as either premature ventricular contraction or ventricular escape beats [5]. 7236
3/F Fusion beats ECGs have fusion of ventricular or fusion of normal beats [5]. 803
4/Q Unknown beats ECGs contains a paced beat, fusion of paced and normal beats or an unclassified beat [5]. 8039
Table 1: MIT-BIH dataset classes

Data Augmentation

Before clustering, more samples of the least frequent class are created. This was achieved by adding Gaussian noise to the non-padded part of the time-series, then normalizing to ensure amplitude is between 0 - 1 like the other samples (see Figure 4). Some of these new samples are randomly rounded to a lower number of decimal places to replicate a reduction in signal quality.

Figure 4: Example of a real ECG (left) and a Gaussian noise augmented sample (right)


Before training the first classification model, new labels were assigned to each sample through clustering. To improve the quality of the cluster assignments, we tested different parameters for the clustering algorithms. For each, the silhouette coefficient metric was used to quantify the closeness of samples within their respective clusters, with a larger value representing a greater success in clustering similar ECG samples.

K-Means and Agglomerative Clustering

For both k-means and agglomerative clustering, the number of clusters is set beforehand and so we tested different numbers of clusters. It is expected that a larger number of clusters would allow for a more granular and therefore more successful clustering output. However, an excessive number of clusters leads to each cluster containing too few samples for a classifier to effectively learn from. Therefore, a balance needed to be struck between the silhouette coefficient and number of clusters. Another factor is the evenness of distribution of samples across the clusters. If most samples were assigned to a single cluster, this would cause a great imbalance later when training a classifier. To tackle this, standard deviation of the cluster sizes was calculated and considered when selecting the final value for cluster number. It was decided that for both k-means and agglomerative, the number of clusters should lie between 10 and 20, and after some experimentation seen in table x, it was deemed that 19 clusters would be optimal when considering silhouette coefficient, average cluster size and standard deviation. Once the cluster the number was selected, applying PCA before clustering was tested to extract the most representative features. It was found that for both algorithms, using fewer principal components significantly improved silhouette score. However, this was at the cost of increasing standard deviation.


Compared to k-means and agglomerative, DBSCAN produced very poor silhouette scores and unbalanced clusters. Attempting to optimize the silhouette score resulted in most samples being clustered into the same 3 to 5 clusters, and many samples not being assigned a cluster at all. Trying to optimize the number of samples being clustered also produced low silhouette scores.


We concluded that k-means with 15 principal components was to be chosen to assign the new labels as it is a good compromise between silhouette coefficient and standard deviation. Figure 5 demonstrates that most clusters are well defined with an identifiable shapes, while PCA and t-SNE graphs show cluster size and how similar clusters are to one another. These additional figures and tables of results are in the Appendix.

Figure 5: Plots of ECGs assigned to each cluster, with the coloured line representing the average time-series

Cluster Classification

Train and Test Splits

After assigning a cluster to each sample, the maximum number of samples in each class is capped at 1000 and excess samples are removed. Again, noise augmented samples are created to provide more examples of the rarest clusters. Then data is split into by reserving 2000 of the non-augmented samples for testing and using the rest for training. This resulted in a fairly even label distribution among both assigned clusters and true labels as presented in Figure 6 and Figure 7. At first the models were training using 20% of the training data for validation. Then k-fold cross validation was run on the training data to find the best train-validation split.

Figure 6: Size distribution of cluster labels for training and testing splits

Figure 7: Size distribution of arrhythmia class labels for training and testing splits

CNN and Bidirectional LSTM

First variations of CNN and LSTM models, both with and without TCN and self-attention, were run over 50 epochs using the Adam optimizer, batch size 128 and no dropout. Then different learning rates, the AMSGrad variant of Adam and batch normalization were tested to see if this improved performance. The best result was TCN combined with CNN with 12.85% test accuracy, followed by the solo CNN with 11.1%. By comparison, the highest test accuracy of the LSTM was 8.6%, although it should be mentioned that we did not test parameters as extensively for this architecture as it was slow to run. In general, self-attention did not work well for either CNN or LSTM, while the TCN layer was detrimental to the LSTM.

Preventing Overfitting

When the two best models were run over 250 epochs, they achieved 97.25% and 98.15% train accuracy retrospectively (refer to Table 2). However, both validation and training accuracy were far lower suggesting the models were overfitting. Therefore, we tested varying rates of dropout and found that for both models this increased testing accuracy, with the best results highlighted yellow.

Architecture Dropout * Train Loss Validation Loss Train Accuracy Validation Accuracy Test Accuracy
CNN 0 0.0891 10.7169 97.35% 24.37% 9.35%
CNN 0.3 0.9451 6.0790 65.57% 20.25% 9.55%
CNN 0.7 2.4837 2.8896 18.57% 13.03% 9.75%
TCN + CNN 0 0.0568 7.4145 98.15% 29.29% 12.15%
TCN + CNN 0.3 0.6391 5.1540 77.56% 28.23% 13.05%
TCN + CNN 0.7 2.5471 2.8282 17.18% 12.69% 9.55%
Table 2: Testing the CNN and TCN cluster classifiers over 250 epochs with dropout. Highlighted are the models from each architecture with the best performance. * Dropout values are between 0-1, where 0 is no dropout and 1 is 100% dropout.

Training the Optimised Models

After determining the best hyperparameters for the CNN and TCN, the models were trained over a greater number of epochs with early stopping (see Figure 8) and the state that reached the highest validation accuracy saved. The CNN was trained for a total of 550 epochs reaching the best validation accuracy at 506. By comparison, the TCN converged far quicker due to the lower dropout rate so was trained for only 150 epochs and the weights saved after 124 (see Table 3). The final test accuracies were 13.35% and 9.45% retrospectively as reflected by the confusion matrices presented in Figure 9.

Figure 8: Training and validation accuracy of the fully trained CNN and TCN cluster classifiers

Figure 9: Confusion matrices for CNN (left) and TCN (right)

Architecture Max Epochs Best Epoch Train Loss Validation Loss Train Accuracy Validation Accuracy Test Accuracy
TCN + CNN 150 124 1.5053 3.2595 50.19% 25.41% 13.35%
CNN 550 506 2.3957 2.8868 19.68% 17.22% 9.45%
Table 3: Results from training the optimised cluster classifiers

Arrhythmia Classification

Transfer Learning

After training the CNN and CNN + TCN to classify the clusters, the weights were saved to file and uploaded to GitHub. New models were then made with the same architectures and weights of the pre-trained models transferred. For each the final layer was removed and replaced with a new fully connected layer with 5 outputs. This is because the previous models were designed to predict 19 cluster labels, while the new models predict the 5 labels of the original data. The new models were then trained over 50 epochs both with and without freezing the weights of all layers, except the output layer, and compared against the same architecture without weight transfer. Then the best model optimised further through testing different batch sizes and trained over 200 epochs. Additional tables are in the Appendix.

CNN Performance

Without transfer learning, the CNN achieved a decent accuracy of 91.4% (see Figure 10 and 11). However, transferring the weights of the pre-trained CNN cluster classifier was detrimental to loss and accuracy both with and without freezing the layers (refer to Table 4). Perhaps this is because the pre-trained CNN classifier did not perform well at learning the clusters (Table 3) and so this did not help the new model extract useful features. Therefore, we did not attempt any further optimisation of this model.

Figure 10: Confusion matrices of the frozen layer CNN (left) and the frozen layer TCN arrhythmia classifiers

Figure 11: Training the CNN arrhythmia classifier without transfer learning

Architecture Epochs Freeze Layers Dropout * Batch Size Train Loss Validation Loss Train Accuracy Validation Accuracy Test Accuracy
CNN 50 True 0.7 128 0.3356 0.2525 87.01% 91.01% 88.5%
CNN 50 False 0.7 128 0.3935 0.2892 85.41% 89.79% 87.2%
CNN 50 N/A 0.7 128 0.2199 0.1795 91.22% 93.49% 91.4%
TCN + CNN 50 True 0.3 128 0.0414 0.0568 98.39% 98.47% 96.3%
TCN + CNN 50 False 0.3 128 0.0472 0.0514 98.42% 98.52% 95.95%
TCN + CNN 50 N/A 0.3 128 0.0436 0.0604 98.48% 98.15% 96.3%
TCN + CNN 50 True 0.3 8 0.2875 0.1612 90.24% 94.48% 94.15%
TCN + CNN 50 True 0.3 32 0.0632 0.0598 97.8% 98.47% 96.85%
TCN + CNN 50 True 0.3 256 0.0660 0.0829 97.84% 97.67% 95.5%
TCN + CNN 50 N/A 0.3 32 0.626 0.0654 97.84% 97.92% 96.7%
TCN + CNN 200 True 0.3 32 0.0165 0.0437 99.49% 98.78% 96.95%
TCN + CNN 200 N/A 0.3 128 0.0176 0.0573 99.38% 99.07% 96.95%
TCN + CNN 200 N/A 0.3 32 0.0216 0.0648 99.27% 98.74% 97%
Table 4: Results of training the CNN and TCN for arrhythmia prediction. * Dropout values are between 0-1, where 0 is no dropout and 1 is 100% dropout.

TCN Performance

The TCN outperformed the CNN in each experiment. When training over 50 epochs with batch size 128, both the model with transferred frozen layers (Figure 12), and the model without transfer learning achieved a high accuracy of 96.3% (see Table 4). Testing different batch sizes revealed that this could be further improved, with a batch size of 32 performing best for both over 50 epochs. Then the models were trained over 200 epochs using this batch size. The highest test accuracy was impressive at 97% from the TCN without transferred weights. However, the performance of the frozen TCN was very similar at 96.95% (see Figure 10) and this model did in fact achieve a significantly lower training and validation loss.

Figure 12: Training the TCN arrhythmia classifier with transfer learning

Figure 13: Training the TCN arrhythmia classifier without transfer learning

Discussions and Findings

Project Summary

The objective was to create a classifier to detect heart conditions from ECG time-series data. To achieve this, several techniques were explored, with focus on developing a semi-supervised strategy. The chosen approach involved first applying unsupervised clustering to the data, training a model using the clustered data, and finally applying the model to a supervised problem using transfer learning.


After contrasting various clustering techniques, k-means was chosen divide each ECG into 19 clusters. To improve cluster distribution, PCA with 15 principal components was applied to each time-series before clustering.

Cluster Classification

Next a classifier was created to predict the newly assigned labels for the clustered data. For this model, several design choices needed to be made, such as the network architecture and the best parameters. Among the networks considered for our cluster classifier, the most prominent one is TCN, a new state-of-the-art model designed to perform exceptionally well on time-series data, although not previously having been used much on ECG-type data. Similarly, other layer variations were tested, such as self-attention layers, which did not positively impact the training outcome and was consequently discarded. The experiments suggest that the TCN-CNN architecture is the optimal combination as it not only meets but also exceeds expectations, showing better results than any other candidate model.

Arrhythmia Classification

The final classifier in our solution learns from the original labelled dataset, and transfer learning incorporates the weights of the cluster classifier to improve its performance. To assess the performance of our solution, a fully-supervised model using the same architectures (CNN, TCN, LSTM) as the supervised classifier in our semi-supervised approach was also implemented as a point of comparison. While the results from both approaches were similar, this demonstrates the potential of our approach, which will stand to benefit in the context of medical imaging, where most data is unlabeled.

Code, Data and Models

The ECG time-series data is avaliable from Kaggle, while the Python notebooks, dataset of ECGs with cluster assignments and trained model weights made in this project are freely avaliable and to download from our GitHub repository.

Future Suggestions

To fully flesh out the prospective of our proposed semi-supervised solution, there are several avenues to explore in future work. To improve performance, additional efforts can be made to increase the number of training samples, whether through exploring and implementing different augmentation techniques or adapting new datasets to suit our architecture. It is also likely that accuracy could be increased further with additional hyperparameter tuning.


As each group member had different skills and interests, work was divided as follows:




K-Means Clustering

For k-means, different numbers of clusters were tested to find the optimal number. As PCA led to different silhouette coefficients each time, each configuration with principal components was run 20 times and the average silhouette coefficient and standard deviation values recorded in Table 5. The parameters selected to produce the labels for the cluster classifiers are highlighted yellow.

Figure 14: Number of samples in k-means clusters without applying PCA (left) and after applying PCA with 25 principal components (right)

Figure 15: t-SNE plot visualising the k-means selected clusters to show how similar clusters are to one another

Figure 16: : First two principal components of selected clusters. Like the t-SNE plot, this shows which clusters are most alike, as well as the size of each cluster.

Number of Clusters Principal Components Silhouette Coefficient Standard Deviation (σ)
10 N/A 0.1537 475.48
11 N/A 0.1533 470.39
12 N/A 0.1609 489.05
13 N/A 0.1693 453.25
14 N/A 0.1684 459.58
15 N/A 0.1675 433.51
16 N/A 0.1746 400.89
17 N/A 0.1804 335.57
18 N/A 0.1796 320.82
19 N/A 0.1825 279.0
20 N/A 0.1745 246.72
19 50 0.1794 305.14
19 30 0.1972 290.04
19 25 0.1943 206.37
19 15 0.2472B 335.03
19 5 0.3185 406.04
19 2 0.3729 433.12
19 1 0.5162 378.23
Table 5: K-means parameter optimization

Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering

Like k-means, different numbers of clustered were tested and the results documented in Table 6. This algorithm was not selected to create the labels for the cluster classifier.

Figure 17: Number of samples in agglomerative clusters without applying PCA (left) and after applying PCA with 20 principal components (right)

Figure 18: t-SNE plot visualising the agglomerative hierarchical clustering selected clusters to show how similar clusters are to one another

Number of Clusters Principal Components Silhouette Coefficient Standard Deviation (σ)
10 N/A 0.1609 738.09
11 N/A 0.1554 627.64
12 N/A 0.1630 657.01
13 N/A 0.1616 654.47
14 N/A 0.1641 556.93
15 N/A 0.1603 477.62
16 N/A 0.1661 359.58
17 N/A 0.1661 335.50
18 N/A 0.1676 352.99
19 N/A 0.1693 370.99
20 N/A 0.1640 342.27
19 50 0.1804 351.66
19 20 0.2116 352.02
19 5 0.2727 365.59
Table 6: Agglomerative clustering parameter optimization

DBSCAN Clustering

For DBSCAN, parameters epsilon and minimum point were tested, and the results documented in Table 7.

Figure 19: First two principal components of DBSCAN clusters. This shows how many ECGs are not being clustered (-1), and how a lot of the clusters contain very few samples.

Epsilon (ε) Minimum Points Principal Components Silhouette Coefficient Number of Clusters Number Unclustered
0.5 (default) 5 (default) 70 -0.26928 168 7175
0.3 5 N/A -0.41287 78 9798
0.3 16 N/A -0.11727 33 4560
0.7 5 70 -0.12748 129 3611
0. 5 70 B B B
0.7 8 70 -0.08927 75 4511
0.7 16 70 -0.08875 32 6001
0.9 5 70 -0.23484 85 2162
0.9 8 70 -0.21898 44 2761
0.9 16 70 -0.1172 33 4560
Table 7: DBSCAN parameter optimization


Bidirectional LSTM Cluster Classifier

Variations of the bidirectional LSTM were trained both with and without the TCN layer and self-attention to predict the cluster labels of each ECG and the results documented in Table 8.

Architecture Learning Rate (θ) AMSGrad Batch Normalisation Train Loss Validation Loss Train Accuracy Validation Accuracy Test Accuracy
BiLSTM 0.001 False False 2.3956 2.8946 23.96% 15.28% 8.35%
BiLSTM 0.001 False True 2.7506 2.9333 13.68% 10.2% 7.85%
BiLSTM 0.01 False False 2.9066 3.0084 6.86% 0.82% 8.1%
BiLSTM 0.001 True False 2.4135 2.8414 23.24% 16.39% 8.6%
TCN + BiLSTM 0.001 False False 2.5949 2.8950 18.55% 12.98% 7.75%
BiLSTM + self-attention 0.001 False False 2.9072 3.0014 6.8% 1.5% 8.55%
Table 8: Bidirectional LSTM cluster classifier training and testing results

CNN Cluster Classifier

Variations of the CNN were trained both with and without the TCN layer and self-attention to predict the cluster labels of each ECG and the results documented in Table 9.

Architecture Learning Rate (θ) AMSGrad Batch Normalisation Train Loss Validation Loss Train Accuracy Validation Accuracy Test Accuracy
CNN 0.001 False False 2.6842 2.9459 13.74% 8.01% 6.7%
CNN 0.001 False True 0.8245 4.2888 74.78% 23.92% 9.95%
CNN 0.01 False True 0.8000 5.5327 74.75% 24.77% 11.1%
CNN 0.001 True True 0.7387 4.2511 77.35% 23.74% 10.05%
TCN + CNN 0.001 False False 2.9057 3.0054 7.13% 0.82% 8.05%
TCN + CNN 0.001 False True 1.0128 3.2032 68.32% 29.9% 12.85%
TCN + CNN 0.01 False True 1.5354 3.2391 51.2% 25.03% 11.55%
TCN + CNN 0.001 True True 1.0634 3.2680 66.91% 28.21% 12.85%
CNN + self-attention 0.001 False False 2.8974 2.9724 7.4% 5.82% 8.5%
CNN + self-attention 0.001 False True 2.4908 3.1187 23.39% 11.66% 6.95%
CNN + self-attention 0.01 False False 2.9067 3.0094 6.81% 0.82% 8.1%
CNN + self-attention 0.001 True False 2.9026 2.9693 7.13% 3.3% 7.55%
Table 9: CNN cluster classifier training and testing results

F-Fold Cross Validation

Before training the final cluster classifiers in Table 2, 5-fold cross validation was run over 15 epochs to find the best train-validation splits for the CNN and TCN-CNN models. For both (Table 10 and 11), fold 3 performed best achieving 2.9282 and 2.9281 loss retrospectively.

Fold Train Loss Validation Loss Train Accuracy Validation Accuracy
1 2.9220 2.9285 6.44% 4.66%
2 2.9233 2.9347 6.48% 4.66%
3 2.9220 2.9282 6.48% 4.69%
4 2.9128 2.9768 6.63% 1.12%
5 2.9109 2.9870 6.75% 0.76%
Table 10: Results of 5-fold cross validation for the optimised CNN cluster classifier

Fold Train Loss Validation Loss Train Accuracy Validation Accuracy
1 2.9220 2.9285 6.44% 4.66%
2 2.9233 2.9347 6.48% 4.66%
3 2.9220 2.9282 6.48% 4.69%
4 2.9128 2.9768 6.63% 1.12%
5 2.9109 2.9870 6.75% 0.76%
Table 11: Results of 5-fold cross validation for the optimised TCN cluster classifier